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PLEASE READ BEFORE MAKING A TRIP TO THE PARK. The Park is open to skateboards, scooters, in-line and quad skates at this time. Everyone that skates the Park is required to fill out an athletic waiver. If you are under the age of 18, your parent or legal guardian must approve and sign the waiver. It is available online or by downloading below. This is not negotiable. We will verify parents have signed the waiver for Ages 17 and under and a helmet is required skating at the park. Minors refusing to wear a helmet will NOT be able to skate at the Park. The current admission price to skate is $10 per session. 



  • A waiver must be on file for everyone that skates at the Park. If you are 17 and under, your legal guardian must fill the waiver out.

  • Bullying, intimidation or aggressive behavior towards others is prohibited. Fighting is an automatic end of your session and indefinite suspension. 

  • No alcohol can be brought into Park during open skate sessions. Bringing in alcohol to skate sessions is prohibited. It will be the end of your session and you will be suspended indefinitely. 

  • No vaping or smoking in the building. Vaping and smoking is allowed outside the building at least 10 feet from any door opening including garage doors. 

  • No firearms or weapons of any kind are allowed in the Park.

  • The Park is not responsible for lost or stolen items. We have lockers you can use free of charge to secure your belongings. DO NOT leave wallets, keys, phones etc. unattended.

  • Food and Beverages can be brought into the Park. They must stay in lockers when not attended. NO food or beverages inside on the park course or on ramps at any time. 

  • Helmets must be worn by ages 17 and under when skating. 

  • Do not touch or operate any park electrical equipment without consent of Q skatepark staff (fans, garage doors, music etc.)

  • Please pick up your trash and place in the trash bins in the park. Recycle cans and plastic bottles in the blue recycle bins located by the entrance/exit of the street and transition rooms. 

  • No GLASS bottles are allowed in the Park. 




Located in Stout Field about seven (7) minutes southwest of downtown Indianapolis. East access from I-70 and 465. Stout Field East Drive can be accessed off of Minnesota to the north and Raymond/Sam Jones Expressway to the South. Click for Map



Please use the lockers to place personal items. We have enough for each participant that visits the park. You can bring a lock or we can provide for your visit. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items left in the Park unattended.


Lost and Found

If you are missing an item or "lost property", please check the office 317-498-5299 to see if we have it. "Lost Property" can mean any unattended, abandoned, misplaced, or forgotten item. Lost and found is intended to return items missing to the rightful owner or dispose of them by the Park. Q Skatepark assumes no responsibility for the care and/or protection of any personal belonging left unattended on Q Skatepark property and for loss, under any circumstances, including theft, vandalism, or malicious mischief of such belonging. We will take lost and found items and donate to a local organization after storing for 30 days. Any individual making a request for a lost item will be asked to provide a description of the item before it will be returned to them. 



Our mission with the skateboard park is to provide a safe and quality experience for those that use the park to skate and attend events.  We are inclusive to ALL that want to skate. We are just one little part in a bigger skate scene picture in central Indiana. 


Park Rental

You can rent Q Skatepark for birthdays to skate which includes the street area, transition area/with mini and private room for $75/hr. The break room can be rented for $25/hr. The park rental hours are limited during the winter months. Call 317-498-5299 or email to book the park or with your questions. 


Punch Cards

We have two types of punch cards. You can buy 10 sessions for $70 or 25 sessions for $150. Current rate for a one day session is $10. The Card does not expire once purchased and does not adjust up with an increase in the per session rate.












We DO recycle plastic bottles and cans at the Park. Please use the appropriate containers for recycled and non-recycled trash. We take recycled trash so Ray's recycling. 


Rental Equipment

We rent helmets for $2 but are limited. Skateboards can be rented for $3 per session.



​The priority for all of our events and this goes for the Park is the safety of your guests. 17 and under will be required to wear a helmet. If you do not have a helmet, the Park rents helmets for $2 for the session. We strongly recommend 18 and over to wear a helmet but it is not required. It is absolutely necessary that everyone fills out a waiver and understands what they (participant and parent (if applicable) are signing. Please review the Park Rules and Regulations. 




Seating in the Park has been reconfigured for social distancing. Please use the tables for seating to rest and or for eating. Do not use the tables to place personal items or to work on your skateboard. You CAN use the benches for personal items and drinks. We want to keep the tables are clean as possible. We have a couple work stations to grip a board or change wheels and trucks. 


Waiver of Liability 

Every person that skates the Park must have signed an athletic waiver before skating. Participants 18 and over can sign their own waiver. Participants 17 and under must have the waiver signed by their parent or legal guardian. 

Q Skatepark punch card
Q Skatepark Sign.jpg

1727 Stout Field East Drive

Indianapolis, IN 46241


Business Hours (as of 11/25/24)

This is the official location for shop and park hours. Park will be moving to summer hours soon.  


Monday - Friday 

Shop/Park: 3:00pm - 9:00pm



Shop: 10:00am - 8:00pm

Park: 12:00pm - 8:00pm

3/1: The transition room will close at 5:45pm today for an event. 



Shop: 10:00am - 5:00pm

Park: 12:00pm - 5:00pm


Weekly Skate Lessons

Saturday & Sunday

10:00am - Intermediat

11:00am - Beginner 



6:00pm (Beginner & Intermediate)


© 2025 by Sequence 

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